Hypnotherapy is considered the most effective intervention available for stopping smoking, and Shakti Dieste offers an unusually effective and economical program for motivated individuals seeking freedom from longtime addiction to cigarettes or chewing tobacco. 

 Many people attend a single session and are successful in quitting permanently.  Others utilize a total of three or four sessions, benefitting from the combination of hypnosis and Shakti's knowledge of psychotherapy to learn to handle emotions and life situations without relying on smoking.

 Rather than having a dreaded ordeal, Shakti's clients often experience an easy, joyful and permanent release, leaving smoking behind for good.  There is no cost other than the fee for each session. 

 The benefits in physical health, mental freedom from addiction, and ease in environments at home and on the job are without measure.  In addition, hundreds and then thousands of dollars are saved by those no longer buying tobacco products.

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